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Visit to the cinema
Visit to the cinema
What are the opening hours of the blue Cinema theaters?
Where can I find more information about a cinema?
Premium Seats
What does a Premium Seat Ticket include?
Can I book the tickets individually?
First Suite & First Lounge
What does a First Lounge/First Suite ticket include?
What is the difference between the First Lounge and the First Suite?
Can I book tickets for the First Lounge and First Suite individually?
Found objects
I have forgotten/lost something at the cinema. What should I do?
Pets in the cinema
Can I bring my dog or another pet to the cinema?
People with disabilities
I am in a wheelchair. Where can I buy tickets?
Are all cinemas wheelchair accessible?
Where can I see which cinemas/cinema auditoriums are wheelchair accessible?
Which cinemas can hearing-impaired people visit?
Food & Beverage
What snacks and drinks are available in the blue Cinema theaters?